Yellow-eared Toucanet

[:en]Bird Yellow-eared Toucanet[:es]Ave Tucancillo Orejianaranjado[:]

Yellow-eared Toucanet

The Yellow-eared Toucanet (Selenidera spectabilis) is the only sexually dimorphic Costa Rican Toucan. It is found from SE Honduras to NW Colombia.

36cm (14½”), 220g. ♂: Head and underparts glossy black, except long yellow ear-tufts; large tufts of yellow-orange on flanks; crissum red; upperparts olive-green; primaries blackish; tail bluish-slate. Iris deep red; facial skin bright yellow-green shading to turquoise above eye and to yellow-orange on malar area; upper mandible dull, pale greenish-yellow, a broad stripe along tomia and lower mandible entirely dusky-horn, shading to black on the tip; inside of bill vermilion; legs blue-gray. ♀: Similar except forehead, crown and hindneck deep chestnut; no ear-tufts. Young: Duller, below more sooty-black; belly tinged with olive; little or no orange on flanks or (male) yellow on head; crissum paler; crown and nape of female dark sooty-brown.

Common Name: Yellow-eared Toucanet
Scientific Name: Selenidera spectabilis
Bird Family:

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