Ornate Hawk-Eagle

[:en]Bird Ornate Hawk-Eagle[:es]Ave Aguilillo Penachudo[:]

Ornate Hawk-Eagle

The Ornate Hawk-eagle (Spizaetus ornatus) dwells from E Mexico to W Ecuador, NE Argentina, and SE Brazil.

63cm (25”), 1.2kg. Legs fully feathered. Crown and long spiky crest black. Head, sides of neck and sides of breast rufous, appart from white throat and chest by black stripe. Underparts, wing-linings and legs white boldly barred with black. Above brownish black; remiges below pale gray, barred with black; tail below pale gray crossed by four black bands. Iris tawny-orange or yellow; cere greenish-yellow; feet yellow. Young: Head and neck white with dusky streaking. Short dusky crest. Above gray-brown barred with black; below black barring less extensive than adult; tail with 5-11 dark bands. 2-3 year to acquire adult plumage.

Common Name: Ornate Hawk-Eagle
Scientific Name: Spizaetus ornatus
Bird Family:

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