Lesser Nighthawk
The Lesser nighthawk (Chordeiles acutipennis) breeds from SW USA to Peru, Paraguay and S Brazil; winters from N Mexico S through breeding range.
22cm (8¾”), 45g. Above brownish-gray, vermiculated with dusky and finely streaked with black, mostly blackish on crown; white chevron on throat; rest of foreneck and upper breast buff, mottled with black; belly pale buff, bareed with black. Tail widely barred with black with white subterminal band; scapulars and wing coverts boldly spotted with buff; remiges dusky, barred basally with pinkish-buff; outer 4 primaries crossed by white band. ♀: Similar but throat-patch and wing-band tinged with buff; no white tail band. Young: Like adult female but above paler, with little or no streaking; smaller wing buff spots, whiter; pale wing-band reduced or lacking; tail more nartowly barred.