The Chuck-Will’s Widow (Antrostomus carolinensis) breeds in SE Canada and E USA; winters from extreme S USA to Colombia and Greater Antilles.
31cm (12¼”), 110g. ♂: Above rich Brown vermiculated with black; crown, nape, and back broadly striped with black; scapulars and wing-coverts spotted with black; face and underparts ochraceous, mottled with black on face and throat, barred and vermiculated with black on breast and belly; breast spotted with buff; buffy-white band across lower throat; inner webs of outer 3 rectrices broadly tipped with white. Bill and feet blackish. ♀: Paler, less rufescent overall; throat-band darker buff; no white in tail.
Common Name: Chuck-will´s-widow
Scientific Name: Antrostomus carolinensis
Bird Family: Caprimulgidae