Blue Grosbeak

[:en]Bird Blue Grosbeak[:es]Ave Picogrueso Azul[:]

Blue Grosbeak

The Blue Grosbeak (Passerina caerulea) breeds from South and Central United States to Costa Rica. Frequents agricultural areas with scattered trees and hedgerows, second growth, open woodland, and dry, thorny scrub. It has a cinnamon, buffy, or rufous wings bars distinguish males from the other blue birds.

Adults are mostly bright violet blue, with lores black, and feathers on crissum tipped with whitish. Wings and tail black with blue endings. Upper mandible black, lower silvery, and legs dusky. They feed on little insects.

Common Name: Blue Grosbeak
Scientific Name: Passerina caerulea
Bird Family:

Thinking of birding in Costa Rica?

Quetzal Route

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Nunbird Route

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