Birdwatching Costa Rica

Quetzal Route

FROM: $1180

Delight yourself watching quetzals and hummingbirds just a few meters away. Great chances to take pictures and learn from an experienced local guide.
Nunbird Route

FROM: $1454

Live this gorgeous expedition visiting both slopes of Costa Rica and witnessing the immense diversity that these offer you.
Macaw Route

FROM: $1588

Harboring around 850 species of birds and offering plenty of facilities for birdwatchers to have a pleasurable trip, Costa Rica posts among the best destinations in the world for this activity.
San gerardo de dota

Highlands, Tropical Cloud forest, San Gerardo de Dota

Central Valley - Northwest Pacific - Central Pacific

Northern Lowlands

Piratic Flycatcher

Northwestern Pacific, Tropical Dry Forest, Guanacaste

Green-Violet Ear

Caribbean Foothills and Cloudforest Highlands of Talamanca

Ferruginous Pygmy Owl

Monteverde Area and Central Pacific Lowlands Carara.

Rufous-capped Warbler

Central Valley Highlands and Caribbean Lowlands


The Best Personalized Tours in Costa Rica

Birding in Costa Rica is an extraordinary experience, with 812 species recorded with voucher to date (Official List of the Birds of Costa Rica 2006 by the Scientific Cometee of the Ornitological Association of Costa Rica - published in April 2007) Costa Rica offers to birders great birdwatching opportunities within relatively short distances, involving very diverse habitats in the six ornitologic regions of the country, from sea level to high mountains above 11.000 f.a.s.l. Exciting guided tours and itineraries take you to wonderful locations where you are able to enjoy the best of birding and nature. Our staff will be happy to assit you with your technical questions about birds, locations, and other details, to make of your trip the best birdwatching experience you could possibly have in this neotropical country.


Why Choose Us?

We are a tour operator which has been arranging programs for birdwatchers from around the world since 1991. We help you to set the ideal itinerary considering your main requirements as well as the birds you want to watch during your journey. We provide packages including all services from your arrival until your departure from Costa Rica, as well as one day birding tours. Our services are ranged from medium to high category in lodging and meals depending on your needs; we also provide transportation and a knowledgeable birding guide who will take you to the specific spots for you to watch or take a picture of the target birds. Let us know the interests of your journey, and we will be glad to advise and assist you planning the itinerary that fits better to fulfill your expectations.

  • “There is nothing in which the birds differ more from man than the way in which they can build and yet leave a landscape as it was before.”
    Robert Lynd

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